Vehicle & Equipment Loans - Red Dragon Financial

Looking for Vehicle or Equipment Finance?

There is a common belief that vehicle & equipment loans are similar to home loans, just with a shorter loan term. However that isn’t quite right. In reality, there is a wide range of specifics that affect the interest rate such as loan duration, repayment type, age of the asset and even the ownership of the asset throughout and after the lending process.

On top of this, each lender has their own credit policy and set of lending guidelines, which will also impact the type of loan that suits your individual needs.

This can get a little complicated and requires knowledge and understanding of the intricacies to ensure you get your ideal solution. We deal with a wide pool of lenders on a regular basis and are kept well informed of their processes and procedures.

By getting to know you at the same level, we can ensure your receive the option that will work hardest for you. We will assess the market and provide you with a number of loan options, take you through the paperwork, all the way to settlement and beyond.

What we can help you with

Cars (personal & business)
Vans & trucks
Plant & office equipment
Construction vehicles & equipment

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Some final details...


Red Dragon Financial offers our clients a better home loan solution thanks to our relationship with over 50 of Australia’s leading lenders.

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The loans for your situation are...

It pays to shop around. We have searched hundreds of different loan options to find you the top four results based on your choices.

* Products selected are indicative only based upon the general information you have provided and subject to meeting lender terms & conditions. There may be cases that we are be able to offer more competitive products based upon obtaining further information and meeting lender requirements.