Credit Impaired - Red Dragon Financial

Are you Credit Impaired?

Impaired credit occurs when there has been a decline in the creditworthiness of an individual or business. This is usually reflected through a lower credit score, in the case of an individual, or a reduction in the credit rating assigned to an entity or debt issued by a rating agency or lender.

If you currently find yourself in a position where traditional lenders aren’t accepting your applications due to credit trouble, then we can help! Did you know, multiple applications can drop your scores even lower? Many lenders in Australia will charge credit impaired borrowers a higher interest rate and fee structure since it is risky to do business with them but obtaining finance is not impossible.

At Red Dragon Financial, we’ve helped many clients to obtain finance with impaired credit. We get to know your individual set of circumstances and use that information to present the strongest case for you as possible when applying for finance.

If you’d like to see your available options, please feel free to get in touch with us today.

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Red Dragon Financial offers our clients a better home loan solution thanks to our relationship with over 50 of Australia’s leading lenders.

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The loans for your situation are...

It pays to shop around. We have searched hundreds of different loan options to find you the top four results based on your choices.

* Products selected are indicative only based upon the general information you have provided and subject to meeting lender terms & conditions. There may be cases that we are be able to offer more competitive products based upon obtaining further information and meeting lender requirements.